October 23, 2024

Oracle 12c Enterprise Manager Heading To Cloud

2 min read

The latest update of the world famous oracle 12c enterprise manager will come with an added incentive. Oracle is assisting organizations to create their own private clouds utilizing oracle software and even non oracle ones! Oracle’s goal is to enable organizations to adopt any platform and offer it as service, declared Sushil Kumar who serves as the vice president of product strategy and business development.

Oracle 12c Enterprise Manager Heading To Cloud

Last Tuesday witnessed the release of Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c release 3. The new release comes equipped with latest workflow capabilities and innovative ways of adjoining additional oracle products and systems. The enterprise manager was formed with the aim of organizing and managing clusters of oracle databases. With the passage of time, oracle has broadened the scope of the software to accommodate oracle application server and third party software packages, like from one time rival Microsoft. This is achieved via plug-ins and connectors. Currently, the oracle enterprise manager extensibility exchange which is akin to app store or collection of relevant software program on a single platform is offering more than 140 add-ons for third party programs. That’s not all though, oracle enterprise manager includes a multitude of operational health matrices, which pitch their end results on Intel, accumulated by agents installed on the same server as the software being observed. To assist organizations form their own cloud services for internal use, oracle has been beefing up the enterprise manager and diversifying its portfolio.

The noteworthy enhancement in this version is the reporting capabilities for charge backs in the software. Organizations providing internal clouds require charging individual business units for their cloud utilization. The capabilities of earlier version of this software included the ability to provide statistics on usage by processor, storage and database queries. This version allows organizations room to produce their own usage reports based on matrices put forth by the software. These matrices can then be used for as a foundation for internal billing.

The newly added activity planner will be capable of allowing administrators to chalk up workflows to mechanize a sequence of tasks like updating databases. According to Kumar, the activity planner will play a pivotal role for the administrators in helping them to plan, execute and compile reports on long running operations. The inherent operational health matrices come into play to ascertain when individual steps of workflow have been completed.

The new released version of enterprise manager also betters a new capability that emerged in the last version. The capability entails building and managing java based PaaS (platform as a service). The early version required to configure and coordinate a host of Weblogic server to build a service. This version simply negates that step altogether. The software makes room for oracle made systems by allowing admin to regulate Exadata racks as a solitary entity. It provides the first of its kind support for Oracle Exalytics in memory data analysis system. Oracle enterprise manager can also work with oracle’s other application servers in addition to the staple Weblogic.

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