October 25, 2024

Search Engine Optimization Tips to Help You Increase Your Website Rankings

5 min read
Search Engine Optimization Tips to Help You Increase Your Website Rankings

Search engine optimization is the life blood of virtually every business in this day and age. This guide is designed to help your search engine positioning improvement. There are many different ways to make your website stand out and not be a “mailbox in the desert”, that search engines viewers can find. We will go into how to obtain you the fastest SEO results, which will gain visitors, but more importantly convert them into clients.

There are many tactics to use when leveraging your search engine positioning improvement, including using optimized images and videos.  We will also walk you through how to use social media tools, like Facebook,Twitter and YouTube to produce the fastest seo results.

In the guide, the use of trustworthy links will also be addressed. The best internal and external “linking strategy” will be reviewed. Providing relevant and recent expert links shows the visitor how aware your company is of the certain topic is and helps build trust.

The goal of this entire Search Engine Strategy is to prove you are the authority on any given issue. These tips and tricks will help you to present your content to gain the most possible visitors via the search engines.

Most importantly, we will discuss the best ways to convert your visitors into actual leads which is the ultimate goal in producing revenue via your website. While having a great looking website is very nice, we will provide you the tools to optimize your content and your overall marketing strategy, so the search engine will find you. Our goal is to help you ensure the website makes it so it’s the number one response.

The tactics include:

  1. Creating Relevant Content to Attract Visitors
  2. Ensure Your Website is Constructed Properly for SEO
  3. Provide a Link Worthy Website
  4. Utilize Video and Images to Improve My Website Rankings
  5. Include Mousetraps and Contact Information to Increase Website Conversion
  6. Leverage Social Media to Promote Your Website to Increase SEO Rankings
  7. Constantly Monitor Your Search Engine Position Analysis

Create Original Relevant Content

The old saying in organic SEO marketing is “content is key”. It has never been more important than it is today. The search engines are starving for original creative content. Nothing will help better to improve your google positioning than providing great content. Web pages and blog posts should be around 750 to 1000 words per post for the best results.

Ensure Your Website is Properly Constructed for Optimal SEO Results

If you website is not set up properly for all of the search engines, you are already “dead in the water”. Each of the pages or posts on your website should include unique title tags and metadata information.

The Title of you pages are the words you displayed at the top of browser widow that informs the viewer what your page is all about. Your page and posts should also include unique description metadata which follows your title.

Consider your description metadata for the “window display” of your page. This information is usually the first thing your potential clients will see when searching for your page below the Title. It will display directly below your Title in most SEO searches.

Search Engine Optimization Tips to Help You Increase Your Website Rankings

Following in the description metadata, should be the keyword metadata. While most search engines have decreased the importance of keyword metadata is still a “nice to have” tool when promoting your pages. Search engines crawl every part of your website code, so there is no harm in having your rpreferred keyword terms as part of your page.

Fix Your Technical SEO Issues

It is always important to check if your website is accessible to the search engines. When creating your website it’s imported to measure your website page load time. Most search engines, like Google, will take “page load” time into a factor on you SEO results.

Create a Link Worthy Website

Using links for trusted sources is invaluable in creating friendly SEO content and helps improve my rankings. When using links it’s important to link up multiple keywords. A good tip to make your posts, it then makes it the number one response, is to have helpful resources as a reference.

SEO experts advise you should never link to a page with a simple “click here for more” description. For example if you writing a guide on SEO Marketing a better link to a source would be “how to do digital marketing for a website”.

Search Engine Optimization Tips to Help You Increase Your Website Rankings

Also when inserting your links, always remember to change the “target” of those keyword links to “blank”, so the visitor does not leave your website property.

How to Use Images and Video to Improve Website Rankings

Utilizing great images and videos are also key to search engine positioning improvement. While using original images preferred, there a variety of free or paid stock art photos for use to improve your rankings.

We recommend using at least 2 images or videos for every website page or blog post. When inserting you images or video, ensure you add “title tags” and “alt tags” to help your SEO rankings.  These tags should be similar to your core keywords.

The Best Use of Contact Information to Convert Visitors to Clients

The entire point of having visitors to your website properties is to convert them into clients. When building your website or social media posts, always include your contact information.

Contact information should be easy to display, either via a phone number or a contact form.

Advanced SEO marketers are using live chats, which directly connects your visitors to agents that are standing by.

There is also a variety of artificial intelligence tools you can use at your disposal. These “bots will weed out the wheat from the chaff”, when accepting leads. These tools will reduce your intake time and costs and help your conversion.

Search Engine Optimization Tips to Help You Increase Your Website Rankings

How Social Media Impacts Your SEO Success

Social media is a must use tool when delivering your SEO content. Spreading the word will not only alert your existing visitors to new content, but it will alert the search engines. Using social media tools to provide “backlinks” to your website posts, provides reliable information which notifies information for the search engines of your presence and relevance.

Some of the most popular and useful social media tools include:

  •         Facebook
  •         Twitter
  •         YouTube
  •         Instagram
  •         Pinterest

There are many other local resources like Nextdoor, Google Maps and Yelp which will also allow you to promote your content regionally, which also improves your google positioning.

How to Analyze Your SEO Data

Monitoring and understanding your SEO data is a critical step in SEO marketing. There are many marketing tools that can help you learn how your campaign is performing.

The simplest is Goggle Analytics, which should be installed in every webpage you create. Google is still the most powerful search engine in the world. By installing analytics you can assess where your keywords are ranked. It is also an amazing tool to analyze your conversion.

Search Engine Optimization Summary

No SEO campaign is perfect. In the SEO content game, we all make mistakes. But by putting in the effort to follow this guide you may be able to gain the fastest SEO results.

In the words of NFL Coach Vince Lombardi, “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence”.

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