January 13, 2025

SoftLayer Unveils Turnkey Private Clouds

2 min read

Dallas, Texas- one of the best providers of global cloud infrastructure, SoftLayer, today revealed its new Private Clouds solution, providing and configuring full private cloud implementations on demand. This cloud deployment- providing scalability, security and high-performance-influences the company’s mechanized architecture, worldwide data centers and private network, and customer-controlled groundwork administration system.

SoftLayer Private Clouds facilitate ordering, assisting the customers to merely select the number of physical servers required by them. This will enable them, as client hosts, to adjust the configuration and resources for these servers according to their preferences. SoftLayer’s automated provisioning system will deliver:

  • Provisioning of client hosts, setting up each host’s hypervisor.
  • Provisioning the cloud’s management server, installing its management system.
  • Registering client hosts with the management server.
  • Completion of network configuration and resource management tasks.

Other features are:

On-Demand Scalability

Using the SoftLayer Customer Portal and API, customers are able to include physical nodes and virtual servers to their Private Clouds any time they desire.

Management Access and Control

Customers can completely control their private cloud through SoftLayer’s portal, full-featured API and Apache CloudStack management tools.

Smooth Worldwide Deployment

SoftLayer’s data center private network support global Private Clouds deployments with Apache CloudStack zones in every data center, operated from a single pane of glass and integrated management server

SoftLayer Object Storage Addition

For distributing virtual machine images, shared files, and other resources that call for high-availability, SoftLayer’s advanced Object Storage solution enables a searchable depository Private Clouds distribution.

Integration with RightScale Cloud Management

SoftLayer Private Clouds can be handled with RightScale cloud management and private cloud solution. This will offer customers strong management abilities, consisting of the use of RightScale ServerTemplates, RightScripts, and a range of other facilities.

Accessibility & Cost

SoftLayer Private Clouds will be offered for use by August 1st, 2012, with the price starting at $1,218 per-month. This package will include a base configuration including one management server, a host server, and related software licenses.

About SoftLayer

SoftLayer operates from its headquarters in Dallas as a worldwide cloud infrastructure platform, created for Internet scale. SoftLayer’s flexible architecture provides unmatched functioning and control, with a full-featured API and outstanding automation, controlling a flexible platform that impeccably connects physical and virtual devices, and a comprehensive network for safe, highly efficient network communications. SoftLayer comprises of 13 data centers in the United States, Asia and Europe and a global footprint of network. It is operating as the leading, privately maintained infrastructure-as-a-service supplier in the world having 25,000 front-line customers.

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