October 23, 2024

5 Growing Concerns About Cloud Computing

2 min read

With the advent of cloud computing, a new era has begun with an aim to provide opportunities to save money with improved processes. The cloud fever is increasing as the time passes and is expected to take over, all IT related services. Keeping in view its benefits, some of the world’s largest companies have started using cloud services, including Apple, Amazon and Google.

Although this technology has many advantages, the IT world also needs to look at the concerns in response to this technology. The recent case of Amazon Web Services is an eye opener for the IT professionals and tech giants to consider all aspects, while moving to cloud computing and making it mandatory in the IT industry.

1. Idleness

Although the cloud service is expected to be efficient, the recent case of AWS where the East Coast Cloud was crashed due to a severe storm has raised many eyebrows. The IT giants need to address the amount of futile data centers to be available as back up, in order to ensure system efficiency, even in bad weather.

2. Data management and security

An important factor in cloud computing is the availability of the secure and unaffected data in stack form, which can be retrieved as and when required. In the AWS incident, a considerable time was taken to organize the data, to make sure it was not affected. This also raises a question on how the service companies will prioritize their data.

3. Data disposal

A significant thing to consider is the disposal of the data once it has become redundant. However, the question is, which specific data should be disposed off and which shall be kept for use? Moreover, another matter of concern here is to decide the authority in command; the one who will decide the fate of the data. It can possibly be a service provider or the owner.

4. Cloud services for undisclosed assignments

Perhaps one of the biggest concerns about cloud computing is security. Companies might hesitate to take advantage of this technology while thinking about doing some undisclosed business. The service providers need to respond to this concern if they want to take any advantage out of this service.

5. Geographical location

It is always thought that the data must be stored near to its place, where it is being used. It gives the feeling of being safe and makes its retrieval easy. In the case of cloud computing, the tech giants must ensure that in spite of its wide location, the data is secure and easily retrievable, without any delay.

While there are many mixed opinions about the cloud demand, it is obvious that companies are positive in taking advantages from its use.

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