September 14, 2024

A Guide To Best Wireless Management Practices And What They Can Do For You

3 min read

‘Best practices’ is a term that can be applied to any number of things; one of the places in which these are most effective is in business and business processes – in particular, wireless networking.
Best wireless management practices can have an overwhelmingly positive impact on all aspects of your business. Implement them correctly and you could see costs lowered, invoice accuracy increased and improved staff efficiency. You may even be able to reduce headcount, further lowering your business overheads.
If you are a large organisation, it’s fair to say that you may struggle with accurately allocating the monthly cost of devices attached to your network. Keeping an inventory of such things is a waste of time, money and resources; instead, implement best wireless management practices and deliver accurate, timely allocations every time. This practice, known as rate and feature optimisation, also allows management to ensure that the features of all devices are optimised correctly.

Best wireless management practices may also include management oversight via role-based login. This key element allows for the usage of all devices linked to a network to be managed and moderated effectively, as management can constantly inspect and review the amount of data used by individual devices and the staff operating them. This has been proven to effectively reduce costs as staff, aware they are being monitored, are more careful to fall in line with company policy.

The employment of an online multi-carrier provisioning portal, complete with management approval workflow, allows management teams to oversee and standardise all aspects of ordering, dramatically improving its efficiency.  All devices, including any new ones added to the network, can be linked to only approved or assigned subscribers, meaning that all devices can be updated or terminated with accuracy and control. The practice also leaves a ‘trail’ of all auditing activity and allows devices to be restricted by user role.

IT Process Integration coupled with an HR update of carrier billing data is the key to success in keeping carrier billing data in sync with HR data. Wireless management solutions allow for wireless devices to be linked to an employee identifier, mapping usage and keeping both new and deleted orders perfectly in sync. Adhering to this key element of best practice improves the accuracy of financial processing and inventory expectations. These are linked to the name, role and cost accounting of each device on the network.

It is also essential to reduce errors in carrier invoices. Wireless management can help you achieve this, ensuring that all devices are billed as per the terms of their contracts. Discounts are applied accurately and overcharging eliminated, significantly increasing the efficiency of your wireless budget.

With the help of a wireless management company, even companies with thousands or even tens of thousands of devices can manage them all with the minimum number of staff. This is due to increased automation that allows employees to adopt a more self-service approach to maintaining their devices.

Commit to best wireless management practices today and you could see the difference, both in cost reduction and increased staff efficiency, in as little as six months.

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