October 23, 2024

Will Google’s G-Drive Revolutionize the Cloud Market

3 min read

After a considerable amount of gap, now Google is coming back with its storage solution, the G Drive, via cloud computing. Some of the screenshots leaked here and here reveal that Google is expected to release a 5GB storage solution in mid April. Google has already invested in the cloud computing technology for the extra space to launch the Google Play and the Google Music. The question that arises here is whether or not this will revolutionize the cloud consumer market.

Services like Apple iCloud, Dropbox, Microsoft Skydrive along with the other cloud providers have enhanced their usage sphere. In this context, the intensity of the cloud usage (both in terms of the quantity or users as well as the data transferred) is very small in comparison with the intensity of data which is being produced by about 2 billion consumers around the globe. Though the Microsoft Skydrive offers a 25 GB space free of cost and is expected to sync the service with an OS system with Window 8, but the level of impact is still inconsiderable.

The question that interests many is whether Google will manage to utilize the cloud storage in the right way. Though G-Drive can prove to be an appealing blend for cloud computing, but it may not leave as big of an impact because of the reasons listed below;

  1. Google is Lagging Behind in Time: The talk about G-Drive was in the rumor mill for long, though nothing was achieved in six years. This gave enough time to the competitors to come up with their plan Bs. Since there is a deficiency in the operationalization of the cloud platforms, it would be difficult to switch users towards G-Drive.
  2. Storage Space isn’t enough: The storage space is expected to be around 2GB to 5GB which is insignificant as compared to that provided by the Microsoft Skydrive services. The data in our PCs including pictures, documents and the music requires a much larger space compared to which 5GB is nothing.
  3. No Signs of Platform Ownership: Apple iCloud provides a base for data storage for iOS and the Mountain Lion, and Microsoft has its base for Windows 8 and the Phone Mango. In contrast, Google lacks a desktop base which means that it will be requiring Android base to function. This would make Microsoft and Apple higher up in the competition spectrum.
  4. Absence of Cloud Apps: The lack of the Cloud apps is not just problematic for Google; in fact it affects the consumer market for cloud computing as a whole. Though MS Office and Google Docs have managed to use cloud document base, but they lag behind in competition with the desktop applications. Desktop applications like Autodesk, Photoshop, Microsoft Office and Indesign have no cloud competition.
  5. Bandwidth. Though 4G and LTE are doing great but the bandwidth offered is still not so great.  The inefficient bandwidth makes the file transference costly as well as time consuming. For this reason, users will be selective about transferring files to these clouds.
  6. Platform fragmentation. The entire consumer market is globally dominated by either Mac or PC. With an enhanced competition, there will be further competition in the market. For this reason, most users will prefer not going for the cloud, as they like simplicity.

Thus conclusively, it is very difficult for G-drive to make its mark given the present market conditions.

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